
02-06-2024 developed the Social Architecture to synchronize the demand-supply interlinks among the four key stakeholders in the labour market: (a) Individuals, (b) Employers, (c) Education and (d) Regions. We align individual skill sets with tangible market demands, enabling personal and professional growth and supporting regional economic development. All three Data Products are being built on top of the Social Architecture. developed and tested four key innovations:

(A) Profiling Technology: our solution precisely maps regional economies' diverse demand and supply dynamics. We've innovated serious games that enable users to self-profile, identifying their passion, strengths and skills effectively. The market is moving towards ‘skills-based matching’ - goes further: we include passion and strengths into the mix, securing high conversion rates and matching people with work, education, and entrepreneurship. 

(B) Data Model: Our model encompasses all data collected throughout each stakeholder's customer journey, as the Social Architecture outlines. We use open standards such as ESCO, NACE, ISCED, and LatLong. The data model comes with an advanced big data analysis tool, empowering policymakers to make informed decisions and implement their policies swiftly at scale. We have built a library of Business Models to match entrepreneurs with BMCs that fit their passion, strengths, and skills. We learned that this approach improves the conversion rate to business and job creation. 

(C) Artificial Intelligence: we developed an AI-driven system that builds a job-skills ontology directly from natural-language job ads. Using a small set of human-labeled data, it expands into a vast machine-labeled collection of job advertisements through syntactic headword-based methods. This extensive dataset supports the creation of a phrasal skill extractor, culminating in a comprehensive skill-phrased database. This AI solution is complemented by 3rd-party AI technology to deliver specific services such as automated production of a personal profile, CV, and vacancy text. We have published our research in academic papers.

(D) Matching Technology: Our AI-driven platform harnesses a skills-vector space, combined with clustering techniques, to create an intricate job-skills ontology, ensuring a 'Perfect Match' between job requirements and the candidate's skills. Building on this IP, we've extended our methodology to provide personalized learning advice and to align users with an entrepreneurial mindset, optimizing matches across various dimensions of professional development, including starting their own business.

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At, we're pioneering a new personal and economic development approach driven by passion, strength, and skills. Our AI-powered solutions are designed to help you navigate the complexities of an economy transforming towards green, digitalization and inclusion. brings your future to your present.

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